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XFINITY Stream Beta app on Roku - house display Device naming screen with keypad. In the browser, input the six-digit code supplied in the Roku device. I really don't understand how to do so, take me into the activation directions. Devices should be on minimal firmware version 8.1 b1 or even higher. The Xfinity Stream Beta channel is only going to appear at the Roku channel shop for qualified devices. Be aware that you may have to re-accept terms and conditions of Activation when there are updates to your account or changes to your Xfinity TV package. Conditions of Activation display for non-cloud DVR clients. App launch display with Get Started alternative at bottom. Activation screen with 6 spaces for inputting activation code. You will see the main menu and you are ready to start using the app! The Conditions of Activation will load your Roku-connected apparatus or Roku TV. Scroll to read the expressions and choose Yes to accept and keep. If you pick No Thanks, the activation process will restart. Learn how to activate the Xfinity Stream Beta app in your Roku. Open the app out of the Xfinity Channel from the Roku Channel Store and select Get Started. Roku two (4210X just ), Roku 3 and 4 (4200X, 4210X, 4230X, 4400X) You will see the Activation Code display in your Roku or Roku-connected device. Proceed into from another device (like a cell phone, tablet or background computer - maybe not from the Roku). Success! screen. I do not need directions, take me straight to activating the Xfinity Stream Beta app on Roku. Name your device and choose Confirm. Username and password touchscreen display. Sign in choice is mid-screen. Conditions of Activation display for cloud DVR clients. Requirements of Activation Should You Have Cloud DVR You will notice a Success! message. The display of your Roku or Roku-connected apparatus will update. Roku Express (3700X, 3900X) and Records + (3710X, 3910X) Input your Xfinity ID and password, then select Sign In. Internet browser with alternative to Input Code. Requirements of Activation if You Don't Have Cloud DVR Get the app on those Roku versions: Activate your device


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