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About me

Hello guys, my name is Forest Do - an enthusiastic creative and CEO of I experienced my childhood in California, USA and I was interested in unique items when I was a little kid. My father used to give me some special items with impressive design on my birthday. From then, uniquely - designed things turned into my passion and I start opening a bussiness to selling special mugs, T-shirt as well as hoodie - In addition to that, I’m a dad of one kids as well as a highly responsible husband. Our family usually go to the fair or exhibition and enjoy art as well as let our children to draw whatever they want. That’s why I love unique items as we can associate and share the fascinating moment together. I’m very proud of my son – Joe as he also adores designing his clothes by drawing on it. My wife – Demi always support my work – a freelance creative and a fashion designer at part-time. Address: 113 Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam 100000 Phone: +84 978696652 Website: Email: Social: Hashtag: #eyeskady, #mug, #gift


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  • Zdjęcia łazienek - inspiracje